Living in Clearwater and Shortselling your house ?

At this time the term “Short Selling” is very common word unfortunately. It became a household term in most cases. This condition brought about by to much easy bank loans with low criteria lending rules, by some of the banks in the USA. The actual financial situation in the USA still is in need of better times. There has been progress made in the last year with the home sale percentage growing at a slow pace but still growing with very reasonable prices.  Florida has had an increase of property sales in this past year. Short selling is still being done with banks responding in a better way and more efficiently. It is happening, no doubt about it.

Let’s make the right deals, the right way. In land or beach area beautiful properties are available at very good listings prices and are very affordable.

Looking to sell your home or purchase a property, call me.

See you then.

Louise Alepins

Real Estate Agent

Clearwater, Fl

727 692 5970

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