Market your house right…Clearwater

As a lot of properties are on the market to be sold and be sold fast, you might say is the main objectif of the home sellers. Selling fast and at the right price. Time and time over, we have seen in the real estate market, sellers pricing their house in too high of a range with the hope to have a buyer who’ll pay the price. At this time of the housing market, the way real Estate market is now, such a thinking behavior is sort of not always producing the desire effect. Nevertheless, never lose hope, would be a idea to keep in mind. Let’s suppose that you have come up with the right pricing, the house is ready for the sale, things are in order, it is totally showable, how would you now, make the house known to the public that it is for sale.

That is when the marketing tools come in view for use. As you know, many tools are available to reach the right targets. Some would say to use newspaper ads, some would say use the web or social media or even send out flyers and post cards. Whichever one you would use, just make sure it is done as early as possible from the beginning of the selling process. Just making that move should open the door for some actual motions. Very interesting. Marketing your home the right way is very vital.

Homes in Cleawater are very diverse and depending on their locations you would have a great variety of them. Waterfront homes with their own particular views have these particular feelings you might say that only waterfront homes can bring you. Looking from a property with spectacular waterviews of the Gulf of Mexico will invite you into a charming and relaxing feeling of the beach home properties. Lots of great feelings about them. Lots of great pleasure moments await you as future homeowners in the Clearwater area. There is a home for anyone of you that really wants it. See you here soon.

Louise Alepins


727 692 5970

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Clearwater- Housing market Oct 2010

The housing market is living very interesting times. You kind of wander what would happen next sometimes. Looking back at some past areas of the market history, you will discover some very hard times that affected this country. Many of us will remember the prior recessions and fluctuating housing market that existed fro a while. One will notice that even in the worst case scenario , people with the strong desire to buy would get the wheels rolling to find their ideal homes. And so, purchasing a home or selling a home has been with us for a very long time and will continue to be.

The need for a home is very actual and alive.

I can help you find the right home for you.

Louise Alepins

Real estate agent in Clearwater

727 692 5970

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Home improvement

You probably have noticed that the media like TV and the Web has been giving lots of inspiration to the homeowners as to what should be done with their homes.  A tremendous amount of suggestions demonstrated with pictures, videos, to name a few, get the home owners inspired totally and puts him in the mood to make a change.

How big a change it’ll be depends on his ambition and pocket book. As you know, ambition could be bigger than his actual funds but nevertheless his entreprise will get him going to a point where the purchase of the right services and material will be facing him in his own house. Home improvements are very exiting. They can be made because of a real need and/or because one desires a better environment, larger quarters, a change of color in the house, some additions, change of bathroom style, had a bidet, or just simple necessity calling and forcing one to come up with the right answers. You could call that the joy of owning a house. Some might think it is a pain. I believe there is a good side to everything. One just need to look at it and find it. Buying a second home can be an example of a need for renovations. Something that one might love and desire to do. Remodeling a home is an art which requires the right amount of judgment, sense of proportions and aesthetics. Hiring a professional can be the right answer for some if one does not feel totally apt to be the perfect match for a certain type of remodeling. Either way, desiring to create a better place to live and achieving the effect sought after would be quite rewarding for the homeowner. There is a vast choice of material and good products available for you to choose from and so achieve the desired effect. Some homes are in a state of disrepair and will be sold this way. They are a paradise for the handyman at heart. Clearwater is no different. It could be a nice way to get a property at a very good price for some. The “fixer-upper” home can be a dream for that kind of person. Luckily, all homes are not all in this condition, therefore finding the right property for your needs is an art which can be done pleasantly.

I can help you find the right property for you either in the Clearwater area or its surroundings.

Louise Alepins



727 692 5970

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Lifestyle in Clearwater

While many people are considering purchasing a property some attention should be given to particulars such as, do I just want to buy a bigger house or do I want to use the house for my particular needs. Following these thoughts you will get also, all the considerations of which type of house, in which location would be the best for the purpose of that house.

What is the goal in buying this house? Is it just to impress some people by getting a better and bigger house or is it because you are actually going to live a much adequate life for you and your family. That is when lifestyle comes into consideration and one should really put some attention unto this. This is wonderful to just be able to make a choice according to the needs that are present in reality, what are the goals in buying a new property and also to acquire the property for its own real purpose which would be adequate and proper to the buyers. By doing that while searching for a home would benefit everyone involved instead of buying just to impress the others.

Clearwater has beautiful beachfront properties, water view properties and waterfront properties, where one can surely find what he is looking for while keeping in mind the desired and real lifestyle that he really wants to experience.

Louise Alepins


727 692 5970

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Home search in Clearwater

As the market keeps going along through this economy as we know it to be still languishing but very appealing for the home buyers, you will notice that a change has happened and that change is that more homes were sold in the last few months than the year before.

Now, considering that this is a buyer’s market, we have then people securing the property of their choice at a much more reasonable price. This action does prove to be the right one to do since we have more and more people getting on the motion and purchasing properties.

Clearwater has its share of foreclosures and short sales. Nevertheless, homes are selling, beach properties are selling, waterviews properties, either condos or singles homes are selling. Very good choice exist now and it is the time for a great buy. Great time for people who are dealing seriously and willing the throw the dice to get the desired price. Of course very good deals are here to be had and let’s face it, more are done than one will think. The properties in Clearwater are mostly relatively close to some water area, and the beach is never too far to access. everywhere you turn, you are just so many minutes to the nearest beach. therefore, Clearwater homes are really sought after and very exquisite and excellent homes are availalbe. While you are either looking for a mansion, a waterview mansion, or in land property, you will find what you like, in most cases.

The Clearwater area is worth the time that you’ll take to search for your perfect home.

I can help you facilitate your home search at any time.

See you soon.

Louise Alepins


Clearwater, Fl

727 692 5970

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In the midst of this housing market with all the houses and properties available and the market full with its Short Sales and Foreclosures happening on a daily basis, it is hard to conceive that there could be a housing shortage. According to the Chief Economist of the National Association of Realtors®, Lawrence Yun, a shortage is actually real. This is a situation that needs to be repaired. Home sweet homes should be available as needed for the responsible buyers.

In the high days of 2003-2006, many investors had bought many units to use as their investments. Since the financing was easy to get, lots of money available, it was easy to acquire properties and with lots of money floating around, a lot of properties where bought then but not all have sold. They are still on the market, or would be on it. Therefore a lot of homes seem to be available now, not sold, in foreclosures. That is the reality now. Time will bring a change which will happen hopefully soon.

Now, if we have lots of properties then available, how could it be a shortage of homes available?  We are speaking about Clearwater area or any other area in the US. Now, according to Lawrence Yun, this shortage is due to the drop in new construction which followed in the quake of bad financing and so the housing real estate market crashed and with that, the construction of new homes. the underconstruction of the last 2-3 years is something that will need to be corrected.

Hard to believe but does seem true. There is an underproduction of homes right now which is real and which will need correction if we do not want to have a shortage of housing.

In the mean time, the amount of available properties available for sale is still large and someone interested in purchasing a home now has a very good choice and lots of leverage as being in the buyer seat. It is time to make a good deal.  Great prices and great location are available in the Clearwater area. Just call me for more information.

See you soon.

Louise Alepins


727 692 5970

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Selling your Clearwater homes

Selling your Clearwater Home could be of some concern in this present buyer’s market.

The National Association of Realtors® and in cooperation with the Florida Realtors, they  have conducted a survey as to how many sales have been done through  foreign buyers and how was their experience in working with international clients.

Since the US dollar is weaker than it was, and looking at the possibility of investing in the US, the international market has risen to a great amount. According to the survey done through the above agencies, the Florida Realtors have given 936 responses which gave us some insight on the international market activities.

Report shows that 85% of Realtors worked with international clients in the last 12 months.

More information about this survey is available but basically what it shows here and confirms is that sales are happening through the use of international clients.

Now, a seller considering selling his property and so, having his home on the market, will find it very valuable to connect with an agent who does have international contacts. The US currency does encourage this behavior and for the benefits of both side, seller and buyer. In the Clearwater area, I myself is affiliated with an international company where the sellers can be assisted in the sale of their homes in a more rapid manner, from the time of the listing to the time of closing. Thinks will happen because of this factor of international clients seeking to purchase in the USA.

I can help you with your real estate needs by doing the right connections at the right time so that your home sells as fast as possible.

See you in Clearwater soon and enjoy our sandy beaches and fresh air.

Louise Alepins


727 692 5970

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Home search in Clearwater

The sweet thought of making a new start can be an enticing factor in starting the search for a new home. There can be no better time than now considering the actual housing market where the buyers has a great deal of power of choice. Definitely a buyer’s market right this minute. Business can be conducted with great success for both sides involved. One just needs to persevere and make it go right. There are great deals available in the Clearwater area, either with water views or no water views in land or at the beach area. Clearwater beach does have a lot to offer. You can find very affordable condos  nicely located and with good features at a very good price. It is very interesting to see how many good listings are out there right now and how many sales are going on right now. And yes, these do include Short Sales and Foreclosures.

Great sellers looking for the right persons to buy their homes, is the perfect formula to success. The buyers by doing good searches will be locating their dream homes. They are there to be found, to be discovered and  enjoyed. Find them right here in the Clearwater area where you can enjoy life with its sunny weather and enjoy its white sandy beaches any time you like and all year long. It is there for you to enjoy.

Welcome to Clearwater.

 As a real estate agent, I’ll be glad to assist you in locating your dream home.

See you soon.

Louise Alepins

Real estate agent/Realtor

727 692 5970

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Southern living

As a Realtor working in the Clearwater area selling residential real estate, I am well positioned to tell you that Clearwater homes have a lot to offer and are very attractivly well priced for this present market. This market is really open to interested buyers.

Therefore the motivated sellers will attract those interested buyers making then a manageable contact where offers are looked at and dealt with and where the proper executed contracts would arise from that meeting of minds.

Wonderful time to the real estates market as interested people would say.

I do invite you to tour our Clearwater area and discover its beauties.

As a Realtor, I can help you with your real estate needs.

Here is a link to view our friendly and beautiful Clearwater.

See you soon.

Louise Alepins


727 692 5970

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Buying real estate in Clearwater

Buying real estate in Clearwater

Considering the current economy existing at this time, some people looking for homes would probably decide to put their dream homes on the back burner.

As you start looking for homes and comparing their values you will actually realize that more is possible than you ever thought.  Searching for homes in Clearwater, Florida, will open the door for a variety of homes whether in land or waterfront   Since we are living a time which favors the home buyers with very competitive prices at every one’s reach, it is time to make a decision.
Let’s make the right one.

Someone just needs to locate the area of their choice, making a list of chosen homes. With this list of homes he would like to view kept at end, the buyer can start driving by those areas to check the surroundings. This search can be facilitated by the utilization of a Realtor who will be glad to assist you in locating the right properties while additionally offering you the right advices and answers to all of your questions. The Realtor would also save you a lot of time cutting down the search time tremendously.

The market has still some very well priced homes for every pocket book. Amazingly true, they are there available for any interested buyer to get at this time with barely any effort.

As you know, the home sellers have seen their home values go down for a while. This is true in the Clearwater area also. Many homes have seen a regular flow of visitors with intention to buy.

Since the sellers have to be very much in the selling mode to come up with a right price in this period of market, it would be advisable to consider both parties. The sellers really need to consider both sides before rejecting an offer and refusing to make a counter-offer. True enough it is their rights.

Walking off from a contract can be of some regret when time goes by and no other offers are showing up. A great seller would be wise to consider properly an offer coming his way without turning it down instantly. Very good buyers are out there and willing to pay the right price.

This is the right time for great negotiations. Therefore, let’s get ready as buyers. You have great deals that await you and for you to have. Clearwater area is a great place to live, work, make friends and enjoy life along our beautiful coast and beaches.

I will be glad to assist you with your real estate needs.

Let’s make some offers now.

Louise Alepins

Real Estate Agent in Clearwater

727 692 5970

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